Quality Policy

QUALITY > Quality Policy

Our quality policy is to build a corporate identity that directs the future with continuous improvement and efficiency-based practices adopted by all our stakeholders within the common sense of education, research and management activities in line with the mission and vision of Altınova Vocational School Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies Department.

In this context;

Defining measurable and evaluable policies in our corporate activity areas
Prioritizing a unique institutional orientation that can produce scientific knowledge
Giving priority to practices based on the satisfaction of our internal and external stakeholders
To carry out social projects in line with our social responsibility in coordination with our external stakeholders
Ensuring the participation of all students, academic and administrative staff in events
Prioritizing critical thinking in education and academic activities
Continuously improving our entire corporate operation with the quality management system constitutes the elements of our quality policy.
To ensure that we always work in an orderly, planned, stable and systematic manner
Focusing on ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in time, labor and resources